Global Systems Thinking

Thriving in a Global World

In this globally connected world, 每个领域的专业人士都需要工具和视角来连接各个社区. Whether it is working through pandemics or succeeding in a global economy, 全球系统思维方法将帮助您提高工作和组织的影响和结果. This fully-online 10-week course will include modules on global citizenship, effective intercultural communication, global engagement and more.




Time Commitment

This 10-week class is set up in five modules, which include a virtual class meeting, readings and assignments, guest speakers and opportunities for individual feedback. 


Cost: $200


  • Teachers and Informal Educators
  • Business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Policy Makers
  • Public health and Public Safety officials
  • Non-profit professionals


This course is offered fully online and is self-paced.


Start the course July 20 or anytime after.


$200 per student



The class is set up in five modules. Each module will include a virtual class meeting, 阅读和作业,以及演讲嘉宾和导师个人反馈的机会. 

Each module will be covered over two weeks and are as follows: 

Module 1: Global Citizenship 101

本课程的目标是拓宽学生看世界的视角. 学生们将了解全球公民身份,并将发展在日益相互联系的世界中茁壮成长所需的技能. 应用框架来培养有效沟通等全球能力, collaboration, critical thinking and empathy. 学生们利用个人优势和现实世界的经验来开发应对全球挑战的解决方案. 本课程适合不同研究领域的学生和专业人士,所学的技能可以应用于生活的各个方面.

Module 2: Sustainable Development Goals

可持续发展目标(sdg)是消除极端贫困的全球性行动呼吁, fight inequality and injustice and to combat climate change. SDGs serve as a roadmap for students to examine global issues in a local context. 学生将学习识别和利用社区资产的策略,以创建基于研究的可持续解决方案,以应对可持续发展目标中解决的全球挑战. Participation as the action dimension of global citizenship is a focus, engaging students in project-based learning to put ideas into practice. 学生可以根据自己的兴趣定制课程,并将学到的技能应用到未来的项目或职业中.

Module 3: Power of Speech

The ability to communicate effectively is essential to success in any field, 建立信心和授权个人分享想法,使他们的社区有所不同. The benefits of public speaking for career success and civic engagement is a focus, 帮助学生在专业环境中增强自信和有效沟通. A strengths based approach is applied, 为学生提供在电梯演讲和面试中融入优势的技巧. Students engage in facilitated dialogue to recognize different perspectives, 对差异感同身受,思考有效的沟通如何促进合作,并创造积极的社会变革.

Module 4: Building Bridges

移民是一个与所有可持续发展目标(sdg)相关的跨领域问题。. 可持续发展目标被用作一个框架,帮助学生通过移民的视角了解全球化世界的挑战. 学生们通过虚拟跨文化学习,在当地和全球背景下探讨移民问题.S. and global practitioners doing in immigration advocacy work. SDG #16, Peace and Justice, 将是审查不平等和社会正义问题以及移民和人权如何交叉的焦点. By engaging in virtual cross-cultural interactions, students develop global competencies such as enhanced intercultural communication, collaboration and empathy.

Module 5: Virtual Global Engagement

本课程的目标是通过将学生与全球从业者虚拟连接来促进跨境参与. Through video conferencing, international experts will present how their work addresses global challenges. 学生将接触到来自世界各地从事移民领域工作的人, education, health and human rights. By connecting across borders, students move beyond their immediate communities, enhance intercultural communication through cross-cultural interactions, 重视多角度,并确定他们可能感兴趣的职业道路.


Mary Ellen Lynch, M.Ed.

A headshot of Mary Ellen Lynch
Mary Ellen Lynch, M.Ed.

As Adjunct Professor and CEO & Founder of Mary Ellen Lynch Consulting, Mary Ellen fosters global citizenship in and outside of the classroom. While earning her Master's Degree, 玛丽·艾伦前往哥斯达黎加为她的论文进行研究,并协助提高农村社区的教育机会. 她的实地工作使她接触到全球挑战,迫使她走上教育和社区参与的职业生涯. As CEO & Founder of Mary Ellen Lynch Consulting, Mary Ellen’s mission is to inspire compassion, change, 通过帮助个人和社区将全球公民意识融网赌的十大网站校,实现可持续发展, businesses and organizations.

玛丽·艾伦在难民安置领域工作了八年多,并在美国难民和移民委员会全国会议上发表了演讲. Mary Ellen将她的专业经验与她的网赌的十大网站背景结合在一起,担任兼职教授. Mary Ellen teaches community development, global migration, and public speaking courses at the Community College of Rhode Island, Quinebaug Valley Community College, and Roger Williams University. 玛丽艾伦的基本课堂目标是通过将全球竞争力纳入课程,拓宽学生看世界的视角,让学生为日益相互联系的世界做好准备.

网赌的十大网站选择玛丽·艾伦为2020年社区参与的哈森菲尔德学院研究员, allowing her to expand the integration of community involvement in her teaching. 玛丽·艾伦被罗德岛妇女基金选为2019/2020年妇女政策研究所研究员,通过政策扩大她对系统变化的了解. 玛丽·艾伦积极参与社区活动,并在普罗维登斯学生会和妇女难民护理委员会任职. 她是罗德岛领导力优势教练,也是Narrative 4的培训促进者, a global organization that fosters empathy through the exchange of stories. Mary Ellen毕业于波士顿大学,获得网赌的十大网站发展硕士学位,并获得罗德岛大学政治学文学学士学位.